Rockstar Roasted Latte Review

Rockstar Roasted Latte Review
I haven't seen the Latte flavour many places, just the Mocha and Light Vanilla. This one looks like it's going to be in the middle as the label is not as dark as the Mocha and not as light as the Light Vanilla. I got this bad boy for $3.49 from 7-11 but during their 2 for 1 Rockstar promotion so I ended up with an additional Rockstar, which I already reviewed here.

The drink has a very light brown color and smells of coffee. The smells is a good thing, but doesn't necessarily guarantee that the beverage will have a strong coffee taste. Yes, just as I expected - a smooth, very milky taste with a strong coffee flavour just at the end and all throughout the finish. I do like the coffee aftertaste but it gets a bit dry after a few minutes. I suggest having a bit of water or something else to rehydrate yourself with upon finishing the can. The taste really reminds me of eating a lightly coffee flavoured ice cream. This beverage is more similar to the Rockstar Light Vanilla than to the Mocha. It has the same milky taste, but with a bolder coffee finish. Great iced coffee/energy drink.

The caffeine department is where the Rockstar Roasted lose to the Monster Javas. These guys only have 150 mg of caffeine per can whereas the Monster between 184 mg and 190 mg. The extra 40 mg do make a difference, not a big one, but just enough for me to notice. The good thing about the iced coffee energy drinks is that the caffeine comes from the beans and it is not synthesized...or at least that's what the backs of the cans make me want to think. Again, there is some guarana extract which contains some caffeine, but I am not sure if Rockstar already added this number to the caffeine content. In any case, it only contributes around 1 mg of caffeine.

Cost - $3.49 CAD for a 444 mL can, but I have seen the Rockstar Roasted flavours for $2.99
Taste - 8.6/10
Energy - 7.5/10

Overall - 16.1/20...not bad, but I wish the coffee flavour was bolder all throughout

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