'Quote of the Week' - Gordon Strachan

Sunday, March 13, 2011 por | | |

May I thank 'Mr Celtic' for a comment he made this week that was so simplistic, yet true that every walking, talking living doll that has ever been out on the lash can relate to it.
I was greatly touched that the 'Sweaty Sock' should include me (and you) when he addressed the point in question to his players and staff alike.
Cheers Gordon!

He said:- "Going out drinking doesn't help team spirit. When you drink you just tell lies and talk rubbish"

I say:- Guilty as charged.
As a consequence may I suggest this weekend that we all celebrate our inclusion into the lifestyles of the football emporium by talking nonsense whilst necking copious amounts of liquor, starting with a wee dram of finest Highland Malt Whisky in honour of Mr.Strachan, even if it does stunt your growth.
God Bless you all!

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Title: Super Nova to Black Hole - IFA Quote of the Week #70

http://ifarcs.com - http://ifa.com - http://ifa.com/quoteoftheweek/index70.asp - William Bernstein, author of The Investors Manifesto: Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon and Everything In Between, talks of the Big Lie. Here, refers to the myth that while indexing works for large-cap stocks, active managers still possess an edge in picking foreign and small-cap stocks.

While this big lie has been supported by some industry heavyweights, ie Fidelity chief Robert Pozen who said, "Active managers beat the relevant indexes on a regular basis for things like international funds, small-cap funds, etc.," this assertion bears no basis in reality. Active managers do not beat the indexes on a regular basis --unless by regular you mean a vast minority of the time. In fact, active managers typically fail—by a huge percentage of some 92% across asset classes, including large-cap, small-cap, emerging markets, international and fixed income. No, active funds do not regularly beat indexes over the long term.

Here are several comparisons of active equity fund managers versus index funds or indexes. As you can see passive beats active no matter how you slice it.

These many equity and fixed income studies show that when William Bernstein refers to The Big Lie, there is no exaggeration in the use of the adjective big. It fact, its quite an understatement. The scope of the deception that managers beat markets is enormous, and sadly quite destructive to an individuals ability to accumulate wealth. Investors who rely on the false promise that managers add value pay more to earn less. The weighted average expense ratio on international active funds is three times higher than its passively managed counterpart and they clearly do not justify the increased expense.

See more here: http://ifa.com/quoteoftheweek/index70.asp

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