This is just a simple sandwich but to me its all about family memories........
When I was little we would go to grammas house after church. Gramma always made some yummy stuff and this was one thing she made that I loved. After she passed, my dad took on the job. I will post his recipe but add my variations after it. Today dad and I still swap recipes. He will tell me the latest he cooked or ask me questions on how to do stuff. ( I'm a chef.) And I will tell him my latest yummy things Ive made. Many times dad takes my recipe then adapts it to his life. My mom used to cook beef stew on top of the stove. When I first married I did too but I hated it because it always scorched. Then I found an oven beef stew recipe that I just loveeeeeeeeeee. A few yrs back I told my dad about it and now hes adapted it to the microwave. And that's how it goes all the time, round and round. He tells people he talks to this chef he knows in California lolol. I had professional photos done once for a food demo I had to do at a big dept. store in the mall. I sent my dad a pic and now he has it framed on his wall. That's "his kid" as he says when I call on the phone. (The picture below the About Me section is the one on his wall.)
1 dozen breakfast sausages (ok dad uses big dinner sausages, I cant find them out here so I use these but they are the same sausage just different size)
1 large onion, sliced
Kaiser rolls (we called them hard roll on the east coast) or toast
Mustard (we use Guldens spicy)
Saute the sausages in some butter, add the sliced onions when sausages are about halfway done. Cover and cook till done. You want it to be nicely browned and onions caramelized. Fill rolls with sausages and top with onions. Spread on some mustard and eat!
Ok now for my version....
I frequently buy bulk breakfast sausage because the bf loves it. I freeze them in little bags for when I need it. So for me to start this recipe, I take out the frozen sausage and put in pan with about 1/4c water. When sausage seem thawed thru, saute, add a pat of butter and the sliced onions. Cover and cook for about 15min. Onions should be soft by then. If they are take off cover, raise heat to hi and stand there and watch em. They need to be browned and if you walk away you will be eatin out lol. Stir as needed till all liquid is evaporated and sausage is brown and onions caramelized.
I like this on Kaiser rolls too but I don't always have that around. We like it on sourdough toast tho. I use Guldens spicy mustard too but any kind you like will do . I do all as above with dads only we add sliced provolone cheese on it. Its delish! Told my dad about that one too.
This will make the whole house smell like onions!
And yes that's a pic up there of my breakfast today! hehehe
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This was the very first episode I shot and remains one of my favorites.
Cook well,
Rob Barrett
Here's the rest of it. Have fun. My family really likes this meal. Dowload the full video at www.cookingfordads.net
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