Natur-a Strawberry Soy Beverage Review

Natur-a Strawberry Soy Beverage Review

I was walking through LobLaws today and got the sudden urge to buy a cold milk drink when I walked passed the milk section I have slightly lactose intollerance so I cannot drink regular milk drinks, but soy is ok. Strawberry is what my body was aching for. I got this at only $2.19 for almost a litre...well, it was actually exactly a quart - 946 mL. I guess I could have bought the juice boxes at 9 for $5, but I wanted the big carton.

Dodging traffic and running to my office, I washed my crusty tea mug and poured myself a nice volume of the beverage. For those who haven't had soy beverages, there are two kinds - those that taste like milk beverages and those who don't. I did say I am lactose intollerant, but I have had milk many times just doesn't sit well with me after consumption.

Well, this was one of the good kinds - it carried a pleasant strawberry scent and none of the soy one. Gulping my portion, I noticed it tasted a lot like strawberry milk, just a bit thicker. The aftertaste was not bad as well. I didn't get that bad taste in my mouth minutes after drinking it, a milky, strawberry taste lingered for quite a while. Overall, this is a pretty good and healthy drink that I would purchase again and recommend to others.

Cost - 8.5/10
Taste - 8.5/10

Overall - 17/20...would definitely buy this again

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