$2.99 for 4!!!!! This shit is cheap. But is it good yo? It's alright I guess. It tastes like lemon/lime pop drink with some added lime juice (as in the lime concentrate you buy in small, green squeeze bottles that resemble limes) and a bit of mint for that mojito-like taste. But you guessed it, the main ingredient, rum,is missing.
I would buy a pack again as it is quite refreshing and the cans are 250 mL. I only say this because most times I don't feel like drinking an entire pop can, and these are smaller.
Cost - 10/10 ($2.99 CAD per pack, or just under $0.75 per can)
Taste - 6.9/10
Overall - 16.9/20...i would buy it again, and maybe even try the other mocktail flavours
Read about the other Mocktail flavours I have tried:
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Discover more about Phil Tregunno of Tregunno Farms from Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario. Phil is one of five growers featured in a national broadcast campaign with Galen Weston of Loblaw Companies Limited.
Derrick brought home President's Choice beer from Quebec. I think because of the Summer-o-BBQz everyone wants to turn everything into a party or at least some kind of collective deal. Either way, taste testing! Derrick, Alfred, Neal, Brian & I give it a "so-so".
...And then some of Rocko, their cat. Because we're stupid.
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